I have been considering creating this Substack for a long time - kinda like a dog chewing on a bone that he won't let go of. My intention is to explore and share ideas that might expand the conversation about Medical Dissidence beyond partisan bickering and name calling. Dueling Data and Sparing Studies seem to not be helping us to actually have meaningful conversations on the subject. Robert F Kennedy Jr’s nomination to be Secretary of Health and Human Services has brought some much needed and well deserved attention to the issue, yet the public conversation remains, sadly, one more similar to trench warfare than one in which intellectual curiosity and integrity engender great understanding.
I am unapologetically a life long liberal. For me; Love is Love; Systemic Racism is a real and pernicious thing; Capitalism and all extraction based, endless growth concepts have severe limitations; Life is magical; my God can not really be defined or fit into a book but certainly isn't some jealous, angry daddy figure living in the sky; the Earth is spherical, more than 5,000 years old, and is a living, conscious entity. I have believed in the "the Greater Good", of living in the world responsibly, knowing my words and actions have profound repercussions. I see science as not linear, mechanistic, or reductionist but as the ever expanding effort to understand this magnificent universe of elegant, living, complex nested Systems. This has led me to view Western Medicine in general, and vaccine zealousness in particular, as flawed and corrupt. Transnational Corporate greed has hijacked the ideals of science and social responsibility and turned them into marketing tools to simply sell more product.
Perhaps, like me, you're a rebellious old hippie who STILL questions authority. Or maybe, you thought taking the shots or giving them to your child was the right thing to do and now you are dealing with unforeseen consequences. It may even be that you have had all your shots and have had no adverse effects but recognize that everyone should have the freedom to choose. You may have voted for Trump, Harris, Stein, or West. You may be religious, an atheist, a Pagan, or simply doing your own Spiritual thing. I really don't care.
What my obsession, and my reason for creating this Substack, is is to explore WHY THE HELL the medical freedom conversation got so polarized and HOW do we EXPAND the conversation, the movement, and our CONSCIOUSNESS beyond the confines of partisan, divisive, and intolerant thinking.
Please do keep your comments on topic, kind, respectful, and honoring a spirit of growing and learning together.
We need equipped and start to campaign to communicate why vaccines are a problem in the simplest manner, in a way that appeals to logic. Everybody is arguing about things they don’t understand. I hear that Graphene oxide is harmful to us but I can’t explain why it is bad for us, but we can all agree that if you jump out of building you will get hurt.